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Friday 28 April 2017

A Sore Throat and Breakfast


Sore throats may occur for a variety of reasons including viral infections, bacterial infections, seasonal allergies and gastric reflux disease. Living or working in close proximity to others, smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, chemical exposure, decreased immune system and young age are risk factors for developing the condition. A sore throat may cause swelling and difficulty swallowing. Making dietary changes may help treat the condition and ease the throat pain.

Foods to Eat

When suffering from a sore throat, it is important to maintain a well-balanced diet to support recovery. Choose soft, bland foods to eat for breakfast. Foods such as cooked cereals, oatmeal, and cooked eggs will usually slide down the throat without causing additional pain or irritation. Cold foods, including yogurt, ice cream, pudding, smoothies and milk shakes may soothe better because they are colder. <acaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, creamy soups and rice may not be traditional breakfast foods but they can help provide nutrition without hurting the throat.


Drinking plenty of beverages, such as water, may help prevent dehydration when a sore throat hurts too much. Other beverages that may soothe the throat include tea with honey, apple juice, milk and soft drinks. Eating ice pops may help soothe the throat and hydrate at the same time. Drinking broth soups may also provide hydration and without irritation.

Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Foods with sharp edges and crumbs, such as potato chips, toast, popcorn and crackers, may scratch the throat and cause additional irritation. Certain fruits and vegetables, like strawberries and tomatoes, may burn the throat when swallowing. Avoid drinking beverages such as caffeinated drinks and chocolate products because they may irritate the throat.

Preparing For Breakfast

Pureeing foods in a food processor or a blender may help make them easier to swallow because of the changed consistency. Keep the temperature on the breakfast foods warm instead of hot. Hot foods and beverages may cause additional pain, according to the

American Cancer Society. Using a throat spray to help numb the throat may help relieve pain temporarily while eating.

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