Based on a literature review, opinion on the effects of the invasive tree Robinia pseudoacacia was formulated and argued from the viewpoint of social psychology. The current literature claims that soils will be eutrophied by symbiotic nitrogen fixation of R. pseudoacacia, leading to the exclusion of native plant species due to the increased success of nitrophilous invasive plants. However, these case studies failed to demonstrate the ecological effect of this species because of the fatal ‘correlation does not imply causation’ problem in the design of the investigations. Instead, the results of these studies should be considered illusory correlations because some researchers have reported little difference in understory plant diversity between native and R. pseudoacacia stands. Selective cognition based on confirmation bias in information processing should be noted for motivating the acceptance of biased explanations. A case of misrepresentation was also found in a review. Land use in floodplains and the termination of vegetation management in coastal black pine forests have allowed the invasion of R. pseudoacacia. Information about the toxicity of R. pseudoacacia to humans and other animals is limited, and some data are fragmented. Accidental overestimation and the concealing of evidence are suspected concerning the toxicity of this species. R. pseudoacacia contributes to the pollination of crops via apiculture. It is necessary to build a social consensus based on accurate information for the control of R. pseudoacacia.
1) Hokkaido Research Organization, Forestry Research Institute
AbstractBased on a literature review, opinion on the effects of the invasive tree Robinia pseudoacacia was formulated and argued from the viewpoint of social psychology. The current literature claims that soils will be eutrophied by symbiotic nitrogen fixation of R. pseudoacacia, leading to the exclusion of native plant species due to the increased success of nitrophilous invasive plants. However, these case studies failed to demonstrate the ecological effect of this species because of the fatal ‘correlation does not imply causation’ problem in the design of the investigations. Instead, the results of these studies should be considered illusory correlations because some researchers have reported little difference in understory plant diversity between native and R. pseudoacacia stands. Selective cognition based on confirmation bias in information processing should be noted for motivating the acceptance of biased explanations. A case of misrepresentation was also found in a review. Land use in floodplains and the termination of vegetation management in coastal black pine forests have allowed the invasion of R. pseudoacacia. Information about the toxicity of R. pseudoacacia to humans and other animals is limited, and some data are fragmented. Accidental overestimation and the concealing of evidence are suspected concerning the toxicity of this species. R. pseudoacacia contributes to the pollination of crops via apiculture. It is necessary to build a social consensus based on accurate information for the control of R. pseudoacacia.
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