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Friday 7 October 2016

Effect of different pre-sowing treatments on seed germination percentage and growth performance of Acacia auriculiformis

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Original Paper
DOI: 10.1007/s11676-011-0147-y

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Azad, S., Manik, M.R., Hasan, S. et al. Journal of Forestry Research (2011) 22: 183. doi:10.1007/s11676-011-0147-y


  • Salim Azad
  • Mizanur Rahman Manik
  • Shamin Hasan
  • Abdul Matin

  • Abstract

    Seed morphology, germination and seedlings growth of Acacia auriculiformis were studied. The experiment was conducted in the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Matured seeds of the species were collected from healthy trees of road side plantation from different areas of Khulna District, Bangladesh and treated with five pre-sowing treatments (control, immersion in cold water, immersion in hot water, scarification with sand paper and immersion in concentrated H2SO4). The average length, breadth and thickness were found to be (0.58±0.017) cm, (0.44±0.007) cm and (0.20±0.089) cm, respectively. Germination was conducted in polybags with a mixture of top soil, coconut husk, coarse sand, and fine sand in a ratio of 3:4:1:1. Results reveal that pre-sowing treatments influences the germination rates of seeds that significantly increase the percentage germination compared with those in control (43%) and cold water treatment (52%). The highest germination success rate was found 83% in hot water treatment followed by 78% in scarification with sand paper, and 75% with immersion in H2SO4. Germination started from 7 to 12 days and completed between 28 and 35 days period in all treatments. ANOVA showed the significant difference (p<0.05) among the treatments in seed germination, but no significant difference among treatment with regard to starting day, closing day and total germination period. In case of height and diameter growth, seedlings originated from the seeds with hot water treatment shows significantly higher in wet season (from May to July). Hot water treatment can be recommended on seed germination of the species in rural Bangladesh.


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