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Sunday 17 April 2016

Exercises to Burn 10 Pounds of Belly Fat

Exercises to Burn 10 Pounds of Belly Fat
Moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking will help burn belly fat. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
The belly is one of the most dangerous places to store fat, because of the fat surrounding the organs. However, it is impossible to spot reduce body fat, so if your goal is to burn 10 pounds of belly fat, you may have to lose more than 10 lbs. of total body weight. Establishing a solid and consistent exercise plan along with a healthy diet will help you burn 10 lbs. of belly fat and have a healthier life.

Losing Fat Weight

Exercises to Burn 10 Pounds of Belly Fat
Be realistic with your goals. Photo Credit Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Losing 10 pounds may take five to 10 weeks. A weight loss of more than 2 lbs. a week is more likely loss of water weight or muscle tissue. Fat loss occurs when more calories are burned than consumed. To burn 1 lb. of body fat, you must burn 3500 calories. You can do this by reducing your caloric intake by 250 to 500 calories a day, and burning 250 to 500 calories a day through exercise and physical activity.

Physical Activity

Exercises to Burn 10 Pounds of Belly Fat
Become more active with the whole family. Photo Credit Soul/Lifesize/Getty Images
Beginners should start being more physically active throughout the day by walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking in the back of the parking lot or playing with your kids instead of watching TV. By walking 10,000 steps, or 5 miles, a day, the average person will burn about 1 lb. of fat per week, states the American Council on Exercise. Get a pedometer to track how many steps you take in a day. Put it on first thing in the morning and wear it all day. Aim for at least 10,000 steps a day.

Aerobic Exercise

Exercises to Burn 10 Pounds of Belly Fat
Include aerobic exercise 5 times a week. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ Images
Aerobic exercise is necessary to burn fat. Aerobic exercise performed between 55 and 72 percent of your maximum heart rate is the optimal fat burning zone, in which your body burns the highest percentage of energy from fat, according the Jack H. Wilmore and David L. Costil, authors of "Physiology of Sport and Exercise." Exercising within this intensity range for 30 to 60 minutes at least five days a week will help to burn belly fat. Aerobic exercise might consist of incline treadmill walking, hiking, jogging, elliptical machine, cycling or swimming.

Strength Training

Exercises to Burn 10 Pounds of Belly Fat
Strength train two to three times per week. Photo Credit Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Strength training is a necessary form of exercise to help reduce belly fat because it increases lean muscle tissue. Adding muscle tissue to your body not only makes daily activities easier, it increases your resting metabolism, allowing you to burn more belly fat throughout the day. Aim to strength-train two to three times a week, performing two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions for exercises targeting every major muscle group. Include exercises that target multiple muscle groups to help you burn more calories during your workout such as squats, deadlifts, pushups and pullups.

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