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Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Optimization of retractable structures utilizing bistable compliant mechanism
Published Date November 2013, Vol.56:910–918,doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.06.019 Author
M. Ohsaki a,,
S. Tsuda b
H. Watanabe a
aDept. of Architecture, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
bDept. of Design and Technology, Okayama Prefectural University, Soja, Japan
Received 30 June 2012. Revised 3 June 2013. Accepted 9 June 2013. Available online 17 July 2013.
Optimization method is presented for compliant bar-joint system for retractable roof.
Optimal parameter values can be found using a heuristic approach called tabu search.
Maximum load and stiffness against external load can be controlled independently.
The retractable structure has bistability utilizing snapthrough behavior.
Required force for snapthrough can be reduced utilizing self-weight of structure.
An optimization approach is presented for a retractable structure consisting of bistable compliant mechanism. The structure is modeled using truss and beam elements, and snapthrough behavior is utilized to generate large deformation under small input displacement and recover the initial shape by application of a small reversal force. The parameters such as nodal locations and cross-sectional areas of members are optimized to minimize the error of nodal displacements from the specified target values. It is shown that the deformed shape, required input force, and stiffness against lateral loads can be controlled independently by modifying nodal locations and stiffnesses of different sets of members. It is also shown through an example of roof model that the maximum load required for shape transformation can be effectively reduced by utilizing the flexibility and self-weight of structure.
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