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Wednesday, 4 January 2017
A viscoelastic approach for modeling bending behavior in finite element forming simulation of continuously fiber reinforced composites
Published Date
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing March 2017, Vol.94:113–123,doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.11.027
Dominik Dörr a,,
Fabian J. Schirmaier a
Frank Henning a,b
Luise Kärger a
aKarlsruhe Insititute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Vehicle System Technology (FAST), Department of Lightweight Technology (LBT), Karlsruhe, Germany
bFraunhofer - Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany
Received 30 September 2016. Revised 24 November 2016. Accepted 25 November 2016. Available online 27 November 2016.
Abstract An approach for modeling rate-dependent bending behavior in FE forming simulation for either a unidirectional or a woven/bidirectional reinforcement is presented. The applicability of the bending model to both fiber architectures is guaranteed by introducing either an orthogonal or a non-orthogonal fiber parallel material frame. The applied constitutive laws are based on a Voigt-Kelvin and a generalized Maxwell approach. The bending modeling approaches are parameterized according to the characterization of thermoplastic UD-Tape (PA6-CF), where only the generalized Maxwell approach is capable to describe the material characteristic for all of the considered bending rates. A numerical study using a hemisphere test reveals that the Voigt-Kelvin approach and the generalized Maxwell approach lead to similar results for the prediction of wrinkling behavior. Finally, the approaches for modeling bending behavior are applied to a more complex generic geometry as an application test with a good agreement between forming simulation and experimental tests. Keywords
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