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Thursday, 9 March 2017
Improved performance of reinforced rounded dovetail joints
Published Date
Construction and Building Materials 15 August 2016, Vol.118:262–267,doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.038
Thomas Tannert
Wood Science and Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver BC V6T1Z4, Canada
Received 12 February 2016. Revised 2 May 2016. Accepted 3 May 2016. Available online 14 May 2016.
Rounded Dovetail Joints (RDJ) are a viable option to connect timber members.
Structural performance of hand- and machine routed joints is similar.
Design equation for RDJ yields conservative predictions.
RDJ performance can be improved through reinforcements.
The paper presents experimental investigations on different methods to increase the stiffness of Rounded Dovetail Joints (RDJs). Departing from a reference geometry, the specific methods were (i) oversizing the dovetail tenon part for a tighter fit; (ii) reinforcement with self-tapping screws; (iii) reinforcement with an adhesive layer; and (iv) a combination of adhesive layer and self-tapping screws. The specimens from the reinforced test series were compared to regular RDJ specimens and to beam to joist connections by means of self-tapping screws only. It was demonstrated that all methods significantly increased the joint stiffness of RDJs. Furthermore, the research showed that there is no difference in structural performance between hand-routed joints and CNC-routed joints, and that a previously suggested design equation for RDJs yields conservative predictions when compared to the experimentally obtained 5th percentile values.
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