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Friday, 9 February 2018

Center of Technology (COT) for Industrial Product Development through Collaboration and Partnership in Polytechnic Education

Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing (POLMAN Bandung), Jalan Kanayakan No. 21, Dago-Bandung 40135, West Java, Indonesia
Available online 16 October 2012.


Tri-dharma of higher education is the foundation of culture development within the university organization to improve the quality and relevance of education based on industrial needs. POLMAN Bandung as one of the applied higher education has a unique approach in developing and implementing manufacturing technologies through partnerships with industry for the purpose of increasing added value and benefits for both parties. The uniqueness of POLMAN Bandung is in process of learning, especially in the practice carried out in accordance to the character of applied technology that emphasizes on mastery of skills through production approach. That approach named Production Based Education (PBE) which has been designed to effectively transferring knowledge and technology to the students by solving industrial cases as a problem media, simultaneously. The student will gain experience through their involvement in manufacturing of industrial product development.With this concept, a lot of application technology can be used and improved by polytechnic and industry in developing industrial product which are needed by the market, thus it will be many national products that can be made locally to increase national economic growth and provide an opportunity to have an experience for the students in entrepreneurship based on technology (Technopreneur) directly in school. Polytechnic will gain capacity in handling more innovative and creative products finding through industrial solution competitively under time, cost and the quality measures, while the industry will get the support of R&D processes that do not have to be done or provided in the company but can utilize an existing technology capabilities in polytechnic as a centre of technology (COT).


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