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Monday 22 February 2016


We all used to think that coconuts is nothing but a part of a tropical dream and associate it with Bounty or exotic cocktails. Fortunately, coconuts appeared to be an unbelievably useful nut. Coconut is being widely used for healing eczema, psoriasis, ulcers. And lately coconut appeared to be extremely popular as a fat burner, so let us find out, how coconut oil helps to burn fat!
The most widely used benefit of coconut oil - its ability to fasten weight loss. Generally coconut oil for weight loss is recommended to use instead of olive oil in your ration. If comparing these two oils in calories, they both have the same calories and fat: 119 calories and 13 grams of fat per TB. There is a difference in their consistency, as coconut oil is solid at room temperature and you need to heat it to make it liquid. The reason why coconut oil is solid is that it is saturated fat.

Still, coconut oil is composed of medium chain fatty acids. It means that it is easily dissolved into blood and human`s liver easily metabolizes it. On the contrary - steaks are composed of large chain fatty acids, so they are not metabolized by our liver and they provoke fat gain.

A number of studies concerning coconut oil`s characteristics has been performed. Mainly it concerns coconut oil weight loss effect that is produced on human`s organism. Certain results show that that excess energy derived from MCT is stored with a lesser efficiency than is excess energy derived from dietary LCT. That may seem too complicated to understand, so let us put it into two words.

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

The main 3 affects that coconut oil provides you with is as follows:

Coconut`s oil decreases belly fat. Belly fat is always a great trouble both for men and women as it is most difficult to kill off. But exactly belly area is the targeted area by coconut oil. If belly fat is the thing that bothers you most you need to take in more coconut oil, but be careful and see the recommended daily doze.
Fastens metabolism coconut oil boosts your metabolism, which means that your body will be burning calories all the day and all the night long. Of course, if you will speed your metabolism up you will be able to burn more calories, but you shouldn`t forget about exercises.
Controls blood sugar levels which may be the best reason for adding coconut oil to your ration. Sugar levels in your blood is the thing that directly impacts your weight loss. Furthermore, sugar level is responsible for your energy during your working day. So keeping it stable will help you stay focused and energetic.

Don`t forget that coconut oil for weight loss is an additional means. Still your daily ration has to be balanced. Your everyday diet has to contain optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and water. In such a case your body will receive everything necessary for normal metabolism. As a result you will not feel extreme hunger and won`t eat extra calories.
So no doubt coconut oil has several beneficial features and helps human`s organism to maintain its healthy functioning. Still it is necessary to keep in mind that oil is high in fat and one shouldn`t use it too much, in any case that won`t do you any good. The optimal amount of coconut oil in a daily diet is about 1 TB.


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