- Published: November 24, 2015
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0143566
Freshly cut beech deadwood was enriched in the canopy and on the ground in three cultural landscapes in Germany (Swabian Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin) in order to analyse the diversity, distribution and interaction of wood-inhabiting fungi and beetles. After two years of wood decay 83 MOTUs (Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units) from 28 wood samples were identified. Flight Interception Traps (FITs) installed adjacent to the deadwood enrichments captured 29.465 beetles which were sorted to 566 species. Geographical ‘region’ was the main factor determining both beetle and fungal assemblages. The proportions of species occurring in all regions were low. Statistic models suggest that assemblages of both taxa differed between stratum and management praxis but their strength varied among regions. Fungal assemblages in Hainich-Dün, for which the data was most comprehensive, discriminated unmanaged from extensively managed and age-class forests (even-aged timber management) while canopy communities differed not from those near the ground. In contrast, the beetle assemblages at the same sites showed the opposite pattern. We pursued an approach in the search for fungus-beetle associations by computing cross correlations and visualize significant links in a network graph. These correlations can be used to formulate hypotheses on mutualistic relationships for example in respect to beetles acting as vectors of fungal spores.
Citation: Floren A, Krüger D, Müller T, Dittrich M, Rudloff R, Hoppe B, et al. (2015) Diversity and Interactions of Wood-Inhabiting Fungi and Beetles after Deadwood Enrichment. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143566. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143566
Editor: Petr Karlovsky, Georg-August-University Goettingen, GERMANY
Received: August 14, 2015; Accepted: November 8, 2015; Published: November 24, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Floren et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Data Availability: MOTU reference sequences are available from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration portals or the DNA Data Bank of Japan under accessions LC015665–LC015745.
Funding: The work has been funded by the DFG Priority Program 1374 "Infrastructure-Biodiversity- Exploratories" (grants LI 150/22-1 and KR 3587/3-2) and also supported through the Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Graduate School for Environmental Research (HIGRADE). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Deadwood is an important habitat and structural component in forest ecosystems developing often into biodiversity hotspots. It provides shelter and nutrition to various organisms, primarily fungi and saproxylic insects [1–3]. Wood-inhabiting fungi are key players in forest ecosystems due to their ability of decomposing wood, recycling nutrients and initiating a successional dynamic for saproxylic arthropods [4,5]. Many studies have focused on the effects of resource availability for fungal and beetle communities [6,7] and how communities are affected by anthropogenic disturbance [8–10]. The amount and quality of deadwood have been shown to be crucial for saproxylic organisms [11–13]. As deadwood availability is greatly influenced by forest management type the interrelation of these factors and their impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has become a major topic in research [14,15].
Recent findings indicate that wood-inhabiting fungi can discriminate forest types [16,17]. This is remarkable because spores are usually assumed to be dispersed easily in forests although studies suggest that some wood-inhabiting fungi might actually be dispersal limited [4,18]. This raises questions about the mechanisms determining the spatial distribution of fungi. Recent research hints towards the role of arthropods as vectors for fungal spores [19]. For example, investigations indicated that bark beetles facilitate the establishment of wood-inhabiting fungi [20,21]. Although the role of zoochory has been considered low besides for mutualistic relationships [22,23,24] more and more studies indicate that vectoring insects can influence fungal community composition [19,20]. However, examples of effective insect vectors refer mostly to economically important associations like those between bark beetles (Scolytidae) or plant wasps (Symphyta) and their fungal associates [25,26]. The role of saproxylic arthropods in the process of wood decay is more controversially discussed [27]. Saproxylic arthropods are mainly considered to mechanically reduce wood to small pieces extending the surface area and allowing microorganisms to decompose woody material more easily [28]. Fungal spore transport might be of greater importance in this context by influencing fungal community composition and thereby also the effectivity of wood decomposition [5,19,29]. Apart from the importance the arthropods play for the colonisation of wood-decaying fungi priority effects during the colonisation of fungi might also lead to the establishment of differently structured fungi communities thus influencing the succession of saproxylic arthropods [30]. Other fungus-beetle relationships could be even more sophisticated. For example, fungal volatiles may also attract beetle species influencing beetle community composition [31]. Such relationships are little investigated topics in research.
Our research aims to narrow this gap of knowledge by analysing how wood-inhabiting fungi and beetle assemblages respond to local habitat conditions and to what extent both groups show similar patterns in vertical stratification (ground–canopy) as suggested in earlier investigations [32,33]. We also test for the effects of forest management on assemblage composition and ask how sensitive taxa respond to changing environmental conditions. Finally, we use the abundance data for a cross-correlation in order to search for possible indications of fungus-beetle associations. In this context, our study can be only seen as a precursor step for a subsequent detailed screening for species interactions.
Material and Methods
Study sites
Research was performed in three distant regions of Germany that were established within the “Biodiversity Exploratories” project [34]. These were the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Swabian Alb (Alb) in South-West Germany, the Hainich-Dün exploratory containing the UNESCO World Heritage at Hainich Mountains and adjacent areas such as the Dün Mountains in Central Germany (Hainich) and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin (Chorin) in North-East Germany (S1 Fig). Distance between each region from South to North is approximately 300 km. All regions are further characterized by different representative soil types (Schwabian Alb: Cambisol/Leptosol; Hainch-Dün: Luvisol/Stagnosol; Schorfheide-Chorin: Cambisol). In each region several beech forests managed with differing intensities were selected. Three types of land use intensity were distinguished, 1) forests left unmanaged for 20–70 years (unm), 2) forests from which only individual trees or small groups are harvested resulting in an uneven age-structure (ext) without further invasive management activities in order to restore structurally more complex beech stands and 3) age-class forests (acf) which are characterised by uniform tree species composition, forest structure and site conditions. The latter forests are managed for efficient timber extraction in 60 to 100 years intervals. Altitudes vary between 600–860 m a.s.l. in the Alb, 290–550 m in Hainich and 3–140 m in Chorin. Annual mean precipitation is between 700–1000 mm in the Alb and 500–800mm in the other areas while the range of mean temperature lies between 6–8.5°C. Landscapes consist of a small-scale mosaic of grasslands and forests with European beech (Fagus sylvatica) as economically most important deciduous tree species. Within these landscapes a total of 16 forest plots were selected (S2 Fig) which were separated from each other by several kilometres of open land or other forests.
Deadwood enrichment
Deadwood was artificially enriched in the canopy and near the ground of a single study tree in each forest plot in 2009 (S2 Fig). All wood was taken from a single freshly felled forest stand of each of the three areas to keep the experimental set up, like existing endophytic fungi, as comparable as possible. Sterilisation of the freshly cut deadwood was not possible due to the amounts used in the experiment. At the time of this investigation the deadwood had been left decomposing already for two years. The experimental set-up was based on the assumption that amounts of deadwood are too low to sustain functionally diverse communities of saproxylic arthropods. It has been extensively described in Floren et al. [32] so that we provide only basic information here. The enrichment experiment used three log sizes (diameters 1–5 cm, 6–10 cm, 11–20 cm). In the canopy, bundles of dead-wood were fixed at the trunk with wire mesh and steel rope at 22 m, 18 m and 16 m height (smallest size on top and largest size below). Each size of deadwood contained about 0.2 m3 so that the total amount was 1.2 m3 per tree. In addition, three stacks of cut wood (each 1 m3) of the same three sizes were piled up on the ground beneath the study trees. Such large quantities were used to overcome resource limitation. Logs were placed on a wooden underlay to delay soil fungi from colonising. FITs were installed next to each deadwood bundle to continuously sample arthropods in a jar mounted at the bottom of each FIT. A 1.5% cuprum-sulphate solution was used as killing and conserving liquid. All traps were installed in February 2011 and emptied monthly from April to the end of September. Beetles from the two individual trees per plot were pooled for the analysis.
Collection of beetles and deadwood drill samples for identification of fungi
The following recordings aim at documenting the importance of colonizing arthropods and wood-inhabiting fungi during the decomposition of deadwood. Beetles were collected close to the deadwood that was artificially enriched in the canopy and near the ground of a single study tree in each forest plot in 2009 (S2 Fig). At the time of this investigation the deadwood had been left decomposing already for two years. Wood-inhabiting fungi were detected by molecular methods from drill samples obtained from the same logs that follow a procedure which is described in detail in [35]. Briefly, in 2011 wood chips from the deadwood logs of the experiment were sampled using an electronic drill machine. One drill core each was sampled from the large sized wood stack. To avoid contamination between samples, the wood auger was flamed and wiped with ethanol between each core. The wood samples were kept on dry ice and later stored at -80°C upon return to the lab.
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