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Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Exploitation of waste date seeds of Phoenix dactylifera in form of polymeric particle biocomposite: Investigation on adhesion, cohesion and wear
Published Date 1 November 2016, Vol.104:9–16,doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.08.014 Author
Alessandro Ruggiero a,,
Petr Valášek b
Miroslav Müller b
aUniversity of Salerno, Department of Industrial Engineering, Salerno, Italy
bCzech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
Received 26 July 2016. Revised 17 August 2016. Accepted 17 August 2016. Available online 21 August 2016.
An interaction of polymers with biological fillers can optimize their mechanical properties or it can lead to a possibility to substitute commonly used both biological as well as synthetic materials, e.g. wood. The paper focuses on a possibility to exploit the waste from a process of date fruit processing – the plant Phoenix dactylifera – represented by a stone and residues of flesh in a form of biocomposites with a technologically undemanding process of a preparation. A description of adhesive and cohesive characteristics belongs to factors influencing the application area of these materials. Variable concentrations 0.5–10.0 wt % of microparticles prepared from the fruits – dates – in a form of the stones and the flesh in the epoxy resin were experimentally tested. The particles did not significantly decrease the adhesive characteristics of the resin. The low concentration of the filler did not decrease the cohesion of the system, it came up to 10.8% increase of the shear strength and up to 11% increase of the wear resistance at the specific concentrations of used biofillers. The date stone-based particles increased the abrasive wear resistance. SEM was used for the evaluation of a morphology of particles and a fracture surface analysis.
The results of this work have been presented at the 2016 International Workshop on Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures (MIMS16), Cetara (Salerno), Italy, 28–30 October 2016.
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