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Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Chemical composition, antioxidant activity and thermal analysis of oil extracted from favela (Cnidoscolus quercifolius) seeds
Published Date
Industrial Crops and Products March 2017, Vol.97:368–373,doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.12.045
Kátia Andressa Santos a,,
Octávio Pessoa Aragão Filho a
Caroline Mariana Aguiar b
Maria Cristina Milinsk c
Sílvio César Sampaio b
Fernando Palú a
Edson Antônio da Silva a
aUniversidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Centro de Engenharias e Ciências Exatas, Toledo, PR, Brazil
bUniversidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas, Cascavel, PR, Brazil
cUniversidade Federal do Paraná, Departamento de Engenharias e Exatas, Palotina, PR, Brazil
Received 10 November 2016. Revised 23 December 2016. Accepted 26 December 2016. Available online 4 January 2017.
Characterization of favela seed oil obtained by Soxhlet extraction with n-hexane.
Linoleic and oleic acids were the main unsaturated fatty acids in favela oil.
Favela oil contains α-, γ- and δ-tocopherols and the phytosterol, β-sitosterol.
Phenolic compounds were found in the hydrophilic fraction of favela oil.
Favela oil presents high antioxidant activity and oxidative stability.
Abstract Favela (Cnidoscolus quercifolius) is a plant native to the Brazilian Caatinga biome that is extremely tolerant to drought. Although favela has seeds that are rich in oil, being considered as a potential alternative for edible oil production, little information has been found regarding its characterization. In this context, this study aimed to determine the fatty acid profile of the oil extracted from favela seeds and its tocopherol, phytosterol and total phenolic contents. Moreover, its antioxidant potential and thermal and oxidative stability were also determined. The results showed that the seeds had 35.20% lipid, consisting mainly of unsaturated fatty acids, notably linoleic acid (54.39%) and oleic acid (20.13%). The α-, δ- and γ-tocopherols were present at 0.87, 3.15 and 15.09 mg 100 goil−1, respectively. The phytosterol, β-sitosterol, was found at 127.98 mg 100 goil−1, while phenolic compounds were detected at 23.88 mg gallic acid equivalent 100 goil−1. The oil presented high antioxidant activity, decreasing DPPH radicals by 76.68%, which was equivalent to 3.83 mmol Trolox kgoil−1by the ABTS assay. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the triglycerides started degrading at 188 °C. The oil showed high oxidative stability and an induction time of 265.3 min at 110 °C. Keywords
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