Marco Schmidt , Elisée Mbayngone , Yvonne Bachmann , Karen Hahn , Georg Zizka & Adjima Thiombiano . (2016) The impact of land use on species composition and habitat structure in Sudanian savannas — A modelling study in protected areas and agricultural lands of southeastern Burkina Faso. Candollea 71:2, 265-274.
Online publication date: 2-Aug-2016.
Alexander Zizka, Adjima Thiombiano, Stefan Dressler, Blandine M. I. Nacoulma, Amadé Ouédraogo, Issaka Ouédraogo, Oumarou Ouédraogo, Georg Zizka, Karen Hahn & Marco Schmidt . (2015) The Vascular Plant Diversity of Burkina Faso (West Africa) — A Quantitative Analysis and Implications for Conservation. Candollea 70:1, 9-20.
Online publication date: 29-Jun-2015.
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Received: April 2, 2013; Accepted: June 24, 2013
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