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Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Coupled DEM–CFD simulation of drying wood chips in a rotary drum – Baffle design and model reduction
Published Date
Fuel 15 November 2016, Vol.184:896–904,doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.05.054 Author
Viktor Scherer a
Martin Mönnigmann b
Marc Oliver Berner b,,
Florian Sudbrock a
aRuhr-Universität Bochum, Department of Energy Plant Technology (LEAT), Universitätsstr. 150, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
bRuhr-Universität Bochum, Automatic Control and Systems Theory (RUS), Universitätsstr. 150, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
Received 15 February 2016. Revised 6 May 2016. Accepted 10 May 2016. Available online 24 May 2016.
In this contribution coupled DEM–CFD simulations of convective drying of wood chips in a baffled laboratory rotary dryer are presented. Due to the anisotropy of the biogenous (fibrous) material a three-dimensional spatial resolution of inner particle transport processes within the DEM code has been incorporated. The drying law is based on a diffusion approach. The simulations show that L-shaped baffles lead to higher drying rates than straight baffles. L-shaped baffles lead to a more even distribution of the particles across the cross-section of the drum where a larger amount of the wood chips are located in regions of hot, unsaturated air. However, the assumption of anisotropic transport properties within the wood chips and the subsequent solving of the associated differential equation of the three dimensionally resolved particle requires high computational effort. Therefore, the second purpose of the paper is to propose a model reduction method for single particle DEM-models based on proper orthogonal decomposition to reduce computation times. Specifically, we assess the impact of these methods on the computational complexity of the single particle models. The results show that even with a basic implementation a considerable reduction can be achieved on the single particle level. While our results only apply to the specific example treated here, it is evident that the effect of model reduction grows with grid size.
Rotary dryer
Wood chips
Reduced order model
specific heat capacity [J kg−1 K−1]
diameter [m]
correction factor
source term for conservation equation of momentum [N m−3]
force vector [N]
acceleration of gravity vector [m s−2]
heat transfer coefficient [W m−2 K−1]
mass transfer coefficient [m s−1]
enthalpy [J kg−1]
heat flux density [W m−2]
mass flux density [kg s−1 m−2]
stiffness of linear spring [kg s−1]
effective coefficient of transport [W m−1 K−1 m2 s−1]
moment vector [N m]
number of time points
mass [kg]
number grid points
normal vector
number of particles in CFD cell
number of surface segments of ith particle in CFD cell
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