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Sunday, 4 December 2016
Development of kinetic model for testing antifungal effect of Thymus vulgaris L. and Cinnamomum cassia L. essential oils on Aspergillus flavus spores and application for optimization of synergistic effect
Published Date 15 July 2015, Vol.99:131–137,doi:10.1016/j.bej.2015.03.024
M. Pekmezovic a
K. Rajkovic b
A. Barac a
L. Senerović c
V. Arsic Arsenijevic a,,
aNational Reference Medical Mycology Laboratory, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, dr Subotića 1, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia
bHigh Chemical and Technological School for Professional Studies, Kosančićeva 36, 37 000 Kruševac, Serbia
cInstitute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia
Received 7 November 2014. Revised 4 March 2015. Accepted 25 March 2015. Available online 27 March 2015.
Evaluation of antifungal effect of T. vulgaris and C. cassia against A. flavus.
Application of logistic kinetic model to the experimental data for optimal ratio calculation.
Optimal mixture has the synergistic effect with lower MIC and MFC values.
Modeling of results can advance synergistic studies by predicting optimal mixture.
The antifungal effect of essential oils (EOs) ofThymus vulgarisL.(EOT. vulgaris) andCinnamomum cassiaL. (EOC. cassia) againstAspergillus flavusspores was evaluated by determining minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum fungicidal concentrations and fungicidal kinetics. Kinetic model of fungicidal activity of individual EOT. vulgarisand EOC. cassiawas developed and its parameters were used to make EO mixture with optimal ratio of individual EOs. Synergism and speed of fungicidal effect of EO mixtures againstA. flavusspores were evaluated.
Kinetic model revealed optimal ratio EOT. vulgaris: EOC. cassiaas 14:1 in mixture. Observed result was validated by comparing fungicidal effect of this mixture to commonly used ratio 1:1 and intermediate 7:1 EO mixtures. All three mixtures showed partial fungicidal synergism, but the time point of fungicidal effect was different. The fastest fungicidal effect was observed in 14:1 EO mixture (after 90 min), followed by 7:1 (110 min) and 1:1 (180 min). The difference in the speed of fungicidal effect could not be detected using standard microdilution susceptibility tests, which demonstrated the importance and usefulness of developed kinetic model for further investigations.
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