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Monday, 19 June 2017



Illustrated Plant Dictionary

An illustrated glossary of plant terms.

Plant Printouts

Quizzes, label me printouts, coloring pages, color-by-number pages, etc.

Dichotomous Key

A dichotomous key is a series of questions which leads to the identification of an item. You can make a dichotomous key for identifying common objects.

Printouts of Plant Growth Charts
Chart the growth of plants using these graphic organizers.
Plant graphic organizer

Plant Report Chart #1
In this printable graphic organizer, the student can organize facts about a plant for a report, including common and species name, plant type, climate/biome, locations, physical features, uses of plant, and draw the plant. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet.
Biome graphic organizer

Plant Report Chart #2
In this printable graphic organizer, the student can organize facts about a plant for a report, including common and species name, plant type, climate/biome, locations, physical features, soil type, uses of plant, and draw the plant. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet.
K-3 Plant-related Books, Themes, and Crafts:

Early Reader Books about Plants
Short books about plants to print for emergent readers.
Arbor Day Crafts

Arbor Day in the US is celebrated on the last Friday in April. This holiday celebrates the beauty and utility of trees.

K-3 Apple Theme
Coloring printouts, crafts, and quizzes.
K-3 Flower ThemeFlower rhymes, crafts, information, symbolism, and a printout.
K-3 Fruit and Vegetables ThemeFruit and vegetables rhymes, crafts, printouts, and quizzes.

K-3 Plant Theme
Rhymes, Crafts, Information, Coloring Printouts, and a Quiz.

K-3 Pumpkin Theme
Rhymes and crafts.

For further information log on website :

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Author BY   ANDREA CESPEDES  Food is fuel, especially for serious runners who need a lot of energy. It may seem counterintuiti...