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Monday, 19 June 2017


Shark Crafts and Activities


A shark book you can print out and color in.

Make an ocean scene in a box. Print out the sharks and whales, then color, cut, and hang them in a decorated box.

Make a pop-up card that a friend will always remember!

Spelling and Writing Worksheets:

Sharks: Cloze Activity
Fill in the blanks in the short reading passage using words from the word bank. Or go to the answers.
rewrite the paragraph

Rewrite the Paragraph
about Sharks
Rewrite the paragraph, correcting the capitalization and adding punctuation marks. Or go to the answers.

Great White Shark:
Word Hunt Worksheet
How many words can you make using the letters from "Great White Shark"? Sample answers: target, gash, heart, ... Go to worksheet with 30 blanks or a worksheet with 50 blanks.

Shark Poem - Poetry Prompt
Write a poem about a shark. The lines of the poem begin with: It sees, It hears, It feels, It understands, It moves, It needs, It runs, It wants, It eats, and It dreams.
Shark Thoughts: Writing Prompt
shape poem

Write inside the thought bubble, expressing the thoughts of the shark. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet.
writing prompt

Write Ten Things About Sharks
A one-page printable worksheet. Write ten things about sharks (plus one thing you would like to change).
Sharks: Illustrated Acrostic PoemDraw a shark, then write an acrostic poem about it. Start each line of your poem with the letter on that line. Or go to a pdf of the poem.

Shark: Fact or Opinion? 
Color the picture of the shark, then write 5 facts and 5 opinions about sharks. A fact is supported by evidence and can be proven; an opinion is how you feel about something and is open to debate. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet (subscribers only).
Unscramble Adjectives:
Adjectives Describing A Great White Shark 

Unscramble the adjectives describing a great white shark. Go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet and the answers (site subscribers only).

Math and Graphing Worksheets:

First Grade Math Games - Printable
The student does simple addition problems and letter substitutions to answer a shark question.

Graph Shark Sizes
Graph the lengths of many sharks, then answer simple questions about the data.

Sharks: Reading and Understanding Tables 
Use the table to answer the questions about sharks. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the quiz and the answers (site members only).

All About Sharks: A Shark Information Site:
Thresher shark

All About Sharks
Learn facts about sharks, see where they live, what they eat, and find out which sharks are the biggest, smallest, fastest, etc.

Shark Printouts to Read and Color:

Shark Anatomy
Label the shark external anatomy diagram.

Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet
A printable worksheet on sharks with a short text, a labeled picture, definitions to match, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers.

Bottom-dwelling, relatively harmless sharks with flattened bodies and a blunt snout.
Atlantic Sharpnose shark

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
A harmless requiem shark with a sharp snout.

Basking Shark
A huge filter feeder and the second largest fish.

Basking Shark

(Simple version)A huge filter feeder and the second largest fish.
Blue shark

Blue Shark
A sleek, fast-swimming shark with blue skin.
Bull shark

Bull Shark
A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark that can also live in fresh water rivers and lakes.
Bull shark

Bull Shark

(Simple version)A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark can live in fresh water rivers and lakes.
Cookiecutter shark

Cookiecutter Shark
A small shark that takes circular bites out of its prey. Also known as the luminous or cigar shark.

Dogfish Shark
Small, very common, relatively harmless sharks found worldwide.

Galapagos Shark
A large predator found near islands in warm water.

Goblin Shark
A bottom-dweller with a long, flattened snout.

Great Hammerhead Shark
Large predators with a hammer-shaped head.

Great White Shark
An enormous, ferocious predator found worldwide.

Great White Shark
Simple Version
Enormous, ferocious predators found worldwide.

Greenland Shark
A large, slow-swimming shark with glow-in-the-dark eyes.

Lemon Shark
Large, yellowish predators found near the surface and at intermediate depths.
Cookiecutter shark

Luminous Shark
A small shark that takes circular bites out of its prey. Also known as the cookiecutter or cigar shark.

Mako Shark
Large predators that are the fastest fish!.

A huge, extinct shark.

A large, filter-feeding shark that was only discovered in 1976.
Nurse shark

Nurse Shark
Large bottom-dwellers with rounded fins.

A spined, extinct shark.
Port Jackson shark

Port Jackson Shark
A shark from waters off southern Australia.

Sandtiger Shark (Sand Shark)

A shark that is cannibalistic before birth.
Thresher shark

Thresher Shark
The Thresher Shark is a shark whose tail fin has a greatly elongated upper lobe.
Tiger shark

Tiger Shark
Large predators found worldwide in warm seas.
Whale shark

Whale Shark
The largest fish and a filter feeder that eats tiny marine organisms and small fish.

Zebra Bullhead Shark
A bottom-dwelling shark with zebra-like stripes.


Manta Ray
The largest ray.

Flattened fish that evolved from sharks.

For further information log on website :

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