International Forestry Review 11(2):157-170. 2009
Equité dans la foresterie communautaire: aperçus du nord et du sud
Justicia social en la silvicultura comunitaria: experiencias del Norte y del Sur
R.R. Bastakoti and C. Davidsen . (2017) Optimism, Hopes and Fears: Local Perceptions of REDD+ in Nepalese Community Forests. International Forestry Review 19:1, 1-16.
Online publication date: 21-Apr-2017.
P.k. Sarker, MD. S. Rahman and L. Giessen . (2017) Empowering State Agencies through National and International Community Forestry Policies in Bangladesh. International Forestry Review 19:1, 79-101.
Online publication date: 21-Apr-2017.
L. Chinangwa, A.S. Pullin and N. Hockley . (2017) Understanding Community Criteria for Assessing Forest Co-Management Programmes: Evidence from Malawi. International Forestry Review 19:1, 17-28.
Online publication date: 21-Apr-2017.
J. Liu and J.L. Innes . (2015) Participatory Forest Management in China: Key Challenges and Ways Forward. International Forestry Review 17:4, 477-484.
Online publication date: 3-Feb-2016.
G. Patenaude and K. Lewis . (2014) The Impacts of Tanzania's Natural Resource Management Programmes for Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation. International Forestry Review 16:4, 459-473.
Online publication date: 17-Sep-2014.
S. Rantala and L.A. German . (2013) Exploring Village Governance Processes behind Community-Based Forest Management: Legitimacy and Coercion in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. International Forestry Review 15:3, 355-367.
Online publication date: 25-Sep-2013.
R. Aru, J.D. Nichols, J.C. Grant, A.J. Leys, K. Glencross, M. Sethy, K. Convery and R. Viranamangga . (2012) Constraints to Whitewood (Endospermum medullosum) Plantation Development on Santo Island, Vanuatu. International Forestry Review 14:4, 414-423.
Online publication date: 9-Jan-2013.
E. Beauchamp and V. Ingram . (2011) Impacts of Community Forests on Livelihoods in Cameroon: Lessons from Two Case Studies. International Forestry Review 13:4, 389-403.
Online publication date: 30-Dec-2011.
M. Richards and S.N. Panfil . (2011) Towards Cost-Effective Social Impact Assessment of REDD+ Projects: Meeting the Challenge of Multiple Benefit Standards. International Forestry Review 13:1, 1-12.
Online publication date: 18-Apr-2011.
B. Buffum, A. Lawrence and K. J. Temphel . (2010) Equity in Community Forests in Bhutan. International Forestry Review 12:3, 187-199.
Online publication date: 30-Sep-2010.
A.M. Larson, D. Barry and Ganga Ram Dahal . (2010) New Rights for Forest-Based Communities? Understanding Processes of Forest Tenure Reform. International Forestry Review 12:1, 78-96.
Online publication date: 13-May-2010.
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Equité dans la foresterie communautaire: aperçus du nord et du sud
Justicia social en la silvicultura comunitaria: experiencias del Norte y del Sur
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For the purposes of this analysis, we focus on ‘contemporary’ community forestry initiatives by governments, donors and civil society designed to be relevant to current circumstances (Arnold 2001), excluding traditional or indigenous forest management, in particular longstanding municipally owned community forests (as in New England) and tribal forests in the US.
These include participatory forest management, community-based forest management, community-based forestry, adaptive collaborative management, joint forest management and other variants. In this paper we generally use the term community forestry unless referring to a country-specific form known by a particular name.
Note that these papers do not cover some key examples of contemporary community forestry programmes such as Canada (Beckley 1998, McCarthy 2006, Reed and McIlveen 2006), Mexico (Klooster 2000, Bray et al. 2005) and Cameroon (Fometé and Vermaat 2001, Oyono et al. 2006).
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