International Forestry Review 13(2):245-258. 2011
Analyse du rôle des sexes dans la recherche forestière: évaluation du passé et réflexions pour l'avenir
Análisis de género en la investigación forestal: mirando al pasado y planeando el futuro
E. Guillaume . (2017) A Case Study on Inclusiveness in Forest Management Decision-Making Mechanisms: A Comparison of Certified and Non-Certified Forests in the Republic of the Congo. International Forestry Review 19:2, 145-157.
Online publication date: 26-Jun-2017.
N. Tyagi and S. Das . (2017) Gender Mainstreaming in Forest Governance: Analysing 25 Years of Research and Policy in South Asia. International Forestry Review 19:2, 234-244.
Online publication date: 26-Jun-2017.
T.T. Pham, Y.H. Mai, M. Moeliono and M. Brockhaus . (2016) Women's Participation in REDD+ National Decision-Making in Vietnam. International Forestry Review 18:3, 334-344.
Online publication date: 8-Sep-2016.
O. Sylvester , A. García Segura and I. Davidson-Hunt . (2016) Complex Relationships Among Gender and Forest Food Harvesting: Insights from the Bribri Indigenous Territory, Costa Rica. International Forestry Review 18:2, 247-260.
Online publication date: 20-Jun-2016.
C.J.P. Colfer, M. Elias and R. Jamnadass . (2015) Women and Men in Tropical Dry Forests: A Preliminary Review. International Forestry Review 17:S2, 70-90.
Online publication date: 11-Sep-2015.
A.M. Larson, T. Dokken, A.E. Duchelle, S. Atmadja, I.A.P. Resosudarmo, P. Cronkleton, M. Cromberg, W. Sunderlin, A. Awono and G. Selaya . (2015) The Role of Women in Early REDD+ Implementation: Lessons for Future Engagement. International Forestry Review 17:1, 43-65.
Online publication date: 7-Apr-2015.
D. Layne Coppock, María E. Fernández-Giménez, and Jeannie Harvey . (2013) Women as Change Agents in the World's Rangelands: Synthesis and Way Forward. Rangelands 35:6, 82-90.
Online publication date: 7-Jan-2014.
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Analyse du rôle des sexes dans la recherche forestière: évaluation du passé et réflexions pour l'avenir
Análisis de género en la investigación forestal: mirando al pasado y planeando el futuro
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