Published Date
1 December 2016, Vol.9(4):496–504, doi:10.1016/j.japb.2016.08.001
Open Access, Creative Commons license, Funding information
Short communication
Variation or constancy in the chromosome number within taxa of different categories have been proven to be important characters for taxonomic groupings. In order to expand the current knowledge on somatic chromosome numbers of South Korean vascular plants, chromosome counts were made for 50 species (38 genera of 17 families). The first chromosome information for Glaux maritima var. obtusifolia Fernald, Hemerocallis hakuunensis Nakai, Hylotelephium verticillatum (L.) H. Ohba, Orostachys iwarenge f. magnus Y.N. Lee, and Teucrium viscidum var. miquelianum(Maxim.) Hara is presented. New chromosome numbers compared with previous studies are also counted in Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai, Securinega suffruticosa(Pall.) Rehder, and Tricyrtis macropoda Miq., respectively. In addition, Eupatorium japonicum Thunb. is proven to show polyploidy with tetra- and pentaploid. Among studied species, the diploids (66%) and tetraploids (24%) prevail.
chromosome numbers
South Korea
vascular plants
For further details log on website :
1 December 2016, Vol.9(4):496–504, doi:10.1016/j.japb.2016.08.001
Open Access, Creative Commons license, Funding information
Short communication
Received 29 March 2016. Revised 27 June 2016. Accepted 23 August 2016. Available online 30 August 2016.
Variation or constancy in the chromosome number within taxa of different categories have been proven to be important characters for taxonomic groupings. In order to expand the current knowledge on somatic chromosome numbers of South Korean vascular plants, chromosome counts were made for 50 species (38 genera of 17 families). The first chromosome information for Glaux maritima var. obtusifolia Fernald, Hemerocallis hakuunensis Nakai, Hylotelephium verticillatum (L.) H. Ohba, Orostachys iwarenge f. magnus Y.N. Lee, and Teucrium viscidum var. miquelianum(Maxim.) Hara is presented. New chromosome numbers compared with previous studies are also counted in Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai, Securinega suffruticosa(Pall.) Rehder, and Tricyrtis macropoda Miq., respectively. In addition, Eupatorium japonicum Thunb. is proven to show polyploidy with tetra- and pentaploid. Among studied species, the diploids (66%) and tetraploids (24%) prevail.
Usually, all individuals within a species possess the same chromosome number (CN). However, plants with different CNs are not frequently found within the bounds of one taxonomic species (Friesen 1992). In angiosperms, the haploid chromosome number varies between n = 2 and n = 132, but the majority of them show a range between n = 7 and n = 12 (Sharma 2009). Variation or constancy in the CN within taxa of different categories have been proven to be important characters for taxonomic groupings (Sharma 2009). In order to expand the current knowledge on somatic CNs, we present results of a CN study of plant species from South Korea.
Materials and methods
Shoot tips were pretreated in 0.002M 8-hydroxyquinoline for 4–6 hours in total darkness at 4°C and then fixed in Carnoy’s fluid (three parts absolute ethanol: one part glacial acetic acid, volume/volume) for 1 hour at room temperature 23°C. The shoot tips were macerated in 1M hydrochloric acid at 60°C for 10–15 seconds. After washing three to five times to eliminate residual hydrochloric acid and staining with 1% aceto–orcein for 8 hours, the material was squashed for observation in 45% acetic acid. More than 10 chromosome micrographs were observed for each accession using an optical microscope (Olympus AX-70). Semipermanent microscope slides and photographs of representative cells have been retained in the plant taxonomy laboratory of the Changwon National University, South Korea. Voucher specimens are preserved in the Korea National Herbarium. The first chromosome data for the species are indicated by (*), and the new CNs are marked with (!). Previously published results (PCN) and basic CN (BCN) for the genus are also presented based on the references.
- Aizoaceae
- 1.Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pall.) Kuntze, 2n = 4x = 32
- (Figure 1A)
- 1.
- Voucher. Uljin-gun (Ugihang)-130602-001. [PCN]: 2n = 16 (Dequan and Hartmann 2003), 2n = 32 (Beuzenberg and Hair 1959). [BCN]: x = 8 (Darlington and Wylie, 1945 and Hsu, 1968).
- Asclepiadaceae
- 2.Cynanchum paniculatum (Bunge) Kitag. ex H. Hara, 2n = 2x = 22
- (Figure 1B)
- 2.
- Voucher. Uiryeong-gun (Hanusan)-140702-007. [PCN]: 2n = 22 (Probatova 2000). [BCN]: x = 11 (Kwon 2013).
- Balsaminaceae
- 3.Impatiens textori Miq., 2n = 2x = 20
- (Figure 1C)
- 3.
- Voucher. Geoje-si (Samgeo-dong)-140816-001 (Korea National Herbarium). [PCN]: 2n = 20 (Lee, 1967 and Iwatsubo and Naruhashi, 1999). [BCN]: x = 7, 8, 9, 10 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- Chenopodiaceae
- 4.Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino, 2n = 6x = 54
- (Figure 1D)
- 4.
- Voucher. Andong-si (Songcheon-dong)-130601-002. [PCN]: 2n = 54 (Tanaka and Tanaka 1980). [BCN]: x = 9 (Chung et al 2011).
- 5.C. ficifolium Sm., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 1E)
- 5.
- Voucher. Andong-si (Songcheon-dong)-130601-001. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Bouchard et al., 1978, Gervais, 1979a, Schwarzova, 1978, Schwarzova, 1980, Dvorak et al., 1980, Buttler, 1989, Turala-Sybowska, 1991, Lomonosova and Krasnikov, 1994, Dobea et al., 1997, Al-Turki et al., 1999, Al-Turki et al., 2000, Probatova et al., 1998and Rahiminejad and Gornall, 2004), 2n = 18, 36 (Kawatani and Ohno, 1962 and Dvorak, 1989).
- 6.C. glaucum L., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 1F)
- 6.
- Voucher. Andong-si (Yak-san)-130521-001. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Murin and Schwarzova, 1976, Gervais, 1979a, Murin et al., 1980, Pogan, 1980, Tanaka and Tanaka, 1980, Dvorak et al., 1980, Arohonka, 1982, Parfenov and Dmitrieva, 1988, Dvorak, 1989, Mesicek and Jarolimova, 1992, Lomonosova and Krasnikov, 1994, Al-Turki et al., 1999, Al-Turki et al., 2000, Lovkvist and Hultgard, 1999, Lomonosova et al., 2003, Rahiminejad and Gornall, 2004 and Rahiminejad, 2006), 2n = 36 (Schwarzova 1980; Lomonosova and Krasnikov 2006).
- 7.Salicornia europaea L., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 1G)
- 7.
- Voucher. Haenam-gun (Songho-ri)-130712-001. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Borgen and Elven, 1983, Zakharyeva, 1985, Gervais and Cayouette, 1985, Leque, 1985, Lomonosova and Krasnikov, 1993, Al-Turki et al., 1999 and Krasnikov and Schaulo, 2004), 2n = 18, 36 (Wolff and Jefferies 1987). [BCN]: x = 9 (Ghaffari et al 2006).
- 8.Salsola komarovii Iljin, 2n = 4x = 36
- (Figure 1H)
- 8.
- Voucher. Haenam-gun (Songho-ri)-130712-002. [PCN]: 2n = 36 (Nishikawa, 1985aand Lamonosova, 2005). [BCN]: x = 9 (Xiaowei et al 2009).
- 9.Suaeda japonica Makino, 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 1I)
- 9.
- Voucher. Suncheon-si (Suncheon-man)-140708-003. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Hara and Kurosawa 1963). [BCN]: x = 9 (Ebrahimzadeh et al 1994).
- Compositae
- 10.Eupatorium japonicum Thunb., 2n = 4x = 40, 5x = 50
- (Figures 1J and 1K).
- 10.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Cheongnyang-san)-140905-211. [PCN]: 2n = 30, 31, 40, 50 (Huziwara 1955). [BCN]: x = 10, 17 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 11.Lactuca indica L., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 1L)
- 11.
- Voucher. Gimcheon-si (Daedeok-san)-130505-038. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Peng and Hsu, 1977, Peng and Hsu, 1978 and Yan et al., 1995). [BCN]: x = 8, 9 (Park 2007b).
- 12.Saussurea gracilis Maxim., 2n = 2x = 26
- (Figure 1M)
- 12.
- Voucher. Sinan-gun (Daeheuksando)-100805-043. [PCN]: 2n = 26 (Shimizu 1977). [BCN]: x = 9, 13 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 13.Solidago virgaurea subsp. gigantean (Nakai) Kitam., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 1N)
- 13.
- Voucher. Ulleung-gun (Seonginbongwonsirim)-090831-014. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Huziwara 1962). [BCN]: x = 9 (Szymura and Szymura 2013).
- Crassulaceae
- 14.(*) Hylotelephium verticillatum (L.) H. Ohba, 2n = 4x = 48
- (Figure 1O)
- 14.
- Voucher. Mungyeong-si (Dundeok-san)-140827-089. [BCN]: x = 11, 12 (Park 2007c).
- 15.(*) Orostachys iwarenge f. magnus Y. N. Lee, 2n = 4x = 48
- (Figure 1P)
- 15.
- Voucher. Ulleung-gun (Dodong-ri)-140717-001. [BCN]: x = 12 (Park 2007d).
- 16.Sedum latiovalifolium Y. N. Lee, 2n = 4x = 64
- (Figure 1Q)
- 16.
- Voucher. Yeongwol-gun (Manhangjae)-140514-002. [PCN]: 2n = 64 (Lee and Kim 2008). [BCN]: x = 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- Dennstaedtiaceae
- 17.Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex A. Heller, 2n = 2x =104
- (Figure 1R)
- 17.
- Voucher. Gimcheon-si (Daedeok-san)-130629-042. [PCN]: 2n = 104 (Love and Love 1976). [BCN]: x = 52 (Sheffield et al 1993).
- Euphorbiaceae
- 18.Euphorbia ebracteolata Hayata, 2n = 2x = 20
- (Figure 1S)
- 18.
- Voucher. Mungyeong-si (Noejeong)-130410-001. [PCN]: 2n = 20 (Nishikawa, 1990and Chung et al., 2003). [BCN]: x = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 (Chung et al., 2003 and Darlington and Wylie, 1945).
- 19.E. esula L., 2n = 2x = 20
- (Figure 1T)
- 19.
- Voucher. Andong-si (Angi-dong)-130427-001. [PCN]: 2n = 16 (Van Loon and Jong 1978), 2n = 20 (Molero and Rovira, 1992 and Chung et al., 2003), 2n = 60 (Bauer, 1971 and Dobes and Vitek, 2000), 2n = 64 (Gadella and Kliphuis, 1968 and Hurusawa and Shimoyama, 1976), 2n = 48–64 (Schulz schaeffer and Gerhardt 1987).
- 20.E. jolkinii Boiss., 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 1U)
- 20.
- Voucher. Seogwipo-si (Bomokpogu)-01401-001. [PCN]: 2n = 28 (Chung et al 2003).
- 21.E. pekinensis Rupr., 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 1V)
- 21.
- Voucher. Gochang-gun (Ungukseupji)-130704-001. [PCN]: 2n = 28, 56 (Hurusawa and Shimoyama, 1976 and Chung et al., 2003).
- 22.E. sieboldiana C. Morren & Decne., 2n = 2x = 20
- (Figure 1W)
- 22.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Cheongnyang-san)-130413-001. [PCN]: 2n = 20 (Hurusawa and Shimoyama, 1976, Starodubtsev, 1985 and Chung et al., 2003).
- 23.(!) Securinega suffruticosa (Pall.) Rehder, 2n = 4x = 24
- (Figure 1X)
- 23.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Myeon-san)-130610-001. [PCN]: 2n = 12 (Starodubtsev 1989), 2n = 26 (Probatova and Sokolovskaya 1986). [BCN]: x = 6 (Darlington & Wylie 1945).
- Geraniaceae
- 24.Geranium eriostemon Fisher ex DC., 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 2A)
- 24.
- Voucher. Muju-gun (Deogyu-san)-140604-001. [PCN]: 2n = 28 (Krogulevich, 1978and Probatova and Sokolovskaya, 1981). [BCN]: x = 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 23, 25 (Darlington and Wylie, 1945 and Aedo et al., 1998).
- 25.G. koreanum Kom., 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 2B)
- 25.
- Voucher. Danyang-gun (Sobaek-san yeonhwabong)-110708-167. [PCN]: 2n = 28+2B (Lee 1967).
- 26.G. sibiricum L., 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 2C)
- 26.
- Voucher. Yeongwol-gun (Taehwa-san)-010823-001. [PCN]: 2n = 28 (Mizianty et al., 1981, Probatova et al., 1996, Albers and Probsting, 1998 and Probatova, 2005).
- 27.G. thunbergii Siebold ex Lindl. & Paxton, 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 2D)
- 27.
- Voucher. Yangyang-gun (Irwol-san)-130705-004. [PCN]: 2n = 28 (Nishikawa 1985b).
- 28.G. wilfordii Maxim., 2n = 2x = 28
- (Figure 2E)
- 28.
- Voucher. Yangyang-gun (Irwol-san)-130705-003. [PCN]: 2n = 28 (Probatova and Sokolovskaya, 1988 and Nishikawa, 1990).
- Labiatae
- 29.Ajuga spectabilis Nakai, 2n = 32
- (Figure 2F)
- 29.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Seondal-san)-140624-479. [PCN]: 2n = 30, 32 (Lee 1967). [BCN]: x = unknown.
- 30.(*) Teucrium viscidum var. miquelianum (Maxim.) Hara, 2n = 6x = 30
- (Figure 2G)
- 30.
- Voucher. Sinan-gun (Daeheuksando)-100803-100. [BCN]: x = 5, 8, 13 (Martin et al 2006).
- Leguminosae
- 31.Lespedeza pilosa (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc., 2n = 2x = 20
- (Figure 2H)
- 31.
- Voucher. Tongyeong-si (Mireuk-san)-140717-001. [PCN]: 2n = 18+2 (Lee 1970), 2n= 20 (Kondo et al., 1977 and Kodama, 1989). [BCN]: x = 9, 10, 11 (Darlington and Wylie, 1945 and Weyland, 1968).
- 32.Thermopsis lupinoides (L.) Link, 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 2I)
- 32.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Seondal-san)-140624-479. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Probatova and Sokolovskaya, 1981, Nishikawa, 1981, Pavlova et al., 1989 and Shatalova, 2000). [BCN]: x = 9 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 33.Vicia unijuga A. Braun, 2n = 4x = 24
- (Figure 2J)
- 33.
- Voucher. Sinan-gun (Daeheuksando)-101002-099. [PCN]: 2n = 12 (Krogulevich, 1978, Probatova and Rudyka, 1981, Bir and Kumari, 1981 and Liu, 1986, Liu, 1988, Luo and Wang, 1989, Pavlova et al., 1989, Yan et al., 1989, Krasnikov and Schaulo, 1990, Nikiforova, 1990, Li et al., 1991, Wang and Zhang, 1992 and Wang et al., 1995), 2n = 24 (Nishikawa, 1985b, Rudyka, 1986, Li et al., 1991 and Wang et al., 1995), 2n = 12, 24, 36 (Lee, 1972, Hanelt and Mettin, 1989 and Bisht et al., 1998). [BCN]: x = 5, 6, 7 (Nam et al., 2012 and Darlington and Wylie, 1945).
- 34.Wisteria floribunda (Willd.) DC., 2n = 2x = 16
- (Figure 2K)
- 34.
- Voucher. Yangsan-si (Jeongjok-san)-090510-042. [PCN]: 2n = 16, 24 (Matsuura 1937). [BCN]: x = 8 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- Liliaceae
- 35.(*) Hemerocallis hakuunensis Nakai, 2n = 2x = 22
- (Figure 2L)
- 35.
- Voucher. Danyang-gun (Sobaeksan, Yeonhwabong)-110708-135. [BCN]: x = 11 (Xiao 2008).
- 36.Lilium lancifolium Thunb., 2n = 3x = 36
- (Figure 2M)
- 36.
- Voucher. Sinan-gun (Daeheuksando)-100624-032. [PCN]: 2n = 24 (Lee, 1967, Noda and Hayashi, 1989 and Probatova et al., 2001), 2n = 36 (Zhang et al., 1993, Yang et al., 1996 and Tolgor and Liu, 1996), 2n = 24, 36 (Noda and Li, 1980, Noda, 1986 and Sun et al., 2002), 2n = 36+0-1B (Noda et al 2004). [BCN]: x = 12 (Lim 2000).
- 37.Polygonatum involucratum (Franch. & Sav.) Maxim., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 2N)
- 37.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Seondal-san)-140624-479. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Kim and Kim, 1979, Wang et al., 1987, Tamura, 1990 and Jang et al., 1998), 2n = 20, 22 (Lee 1967). [BCN]: x = 9, 10, 11, 14 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 38.Smilacina japonica A. Gray, 2n = 4x = 36
- (Figure 2O)
- 38.
- Voucher. Sinan-gun (Gageodo)-100425-004. [PCN]: 2n = 36 (Hong and Zhu, 1987, Hong and Sauer, 1990, Jang et al., 1998 and Tagashira et al., 1999). [BCN]: x = 9 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 39.(!) Tricyrtis macropoda Miq., 2n = 2x = 22
- (Figure 2P)
- 39.
- Voucher. Yeongju-si (Sobaeksan, Yeonhwadong)-110902-012. [PCN]: 2n = 26 (Lee, 1967, Nakamura, 1968 and Bharathan et al., 1994). [BCN]: x = 8–13 (Peruzzi et al 2009).
- Oxalidaceae
- 40.Oxalis corniculata L., 2n = 4x = 24
- (Figure 2Q)
- 40.
- Voucher. Andong-si (Songcheon-dong)-130520-001. [PCN]: 2n = 12, 16, 32 (Xu et al 1992), 2n = 24 (Rutland 1941), 2n = 44 (Sidhu and Bir 1983), 2n = 48 (Murin and Sheikh, 1971, Letz et al., 1999, Probatova, 2000 and Nair and Kuriachan, 2004). [BCN]: x = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 (Azkue, 2000 and Darlington and Wylie, 1945).
- 41.O. obtriangulata Maxim., 2n = 2x = 18
- (Figure 2R)
- 41.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Hongjesa)-130412-002. [PCN]: 2n = 18 (Lee 1969).
- Primulaceae
- 42.(*) Glaux maritima var. obtusifolia Fernald, 2n = 2x = 30
- (Figure 2S)
- 42.
- Voucher. Yangyang-gun (Pomaeho)-140521-002. [BCN]: x = 15 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 43.Primula jesoana Miq., 2n = 2x = 24
- (Figure 2T)
- 43.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Myeon-san)-120511-011. [PCN]: 2n = 23, 24 (Lee 1967), 2n = 24 (Probatova 2006). [BCN]: x = 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (Park, 2007a and Darlington and Wylie, 1945).
- 44.P. sieboldii E. Morren, 2n = 4x = 36
- (Figure 2U)
- 44.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Cheongnyang-san)-140415-052. [PCN]: 2n = 22 (Murin et al., 1980 and Lee, 1967), 2n = 24, 29 (Yamaguchi 1981), 2n = 24, 29, 36, 48 (Lee 1967).
- Ranunculaceae
- 45.(!) Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai, 2n = 4x = 32
- (Figure 2V)
- 45.
- Voucher. Danyang-gun (Sobaeksan, Yeonhwabong)-110819-044. [PCN]: 2n = 16 (Kim et al 2011), [BCN]: x = 8 (Duffell 2009).
- 46.Cimicifuga heracleifolia var. bifida Nakai, 2n = 2x = 16
- (Figure 2W)
- 46.
- Voucher. Yeongcheon-si (Bohyeon-san)-140627-033. [PCN]: 2n = 16 (Lee and Park 1998). [BCN]: x = 8 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- 47.Hepatica asiatica Nakai, 2n = 2x = 14
- (Figure 2X)
- 47.
- Voucher. Daegu-si (Sangwon-san)-130424-017. [PCN]: 2n = 14 (Probatova and Sokolovskaya, 1988 and Weiss et al., 2002). [BCN]: x = 7 (Weiss-Schneeweiss et al 2007).
- Rosaceae
- 48.Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., 2n = 8x = 56
- (Figure 3A)
- 48.
- Voucher. Danyang-gun (Sobaeksan, Je2yeonhwabong)-110819-047. [PCN]: 2n = 28 (Czapick, 1989 and Pogan et al., 1990), 2n = 56 (Semerenko, 1990, Krasnikov, 1991, Stepanov and Muratova, 1992 and Probatova et al., 2001), 2n = 56, 70 (Stepanov and Muratova 1995). [BCN]: x = 7 (Darlington and Wylie 1945).
- Rutaceae
- 49.Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz., 2n = 2x = 36
- (Figure 3B)
- 49.
- Voucher. Bonghwa-gun (Myobong)-130520-001. [PCN]: 2n = 36 (Vickery Jr and Miller 2008). [BCN]: x = 18 (Chung et al 2006).
- 50.Orixa japonica Thunb., 2n = 2x = 34
- (Figure 3C)
- 50.
- Voucher. Seoguipo-si (Hanmeoul Gotjawan)-140506-012. [PCN]: 2n = 34 (Hsu et al 1994), 2n = 40 (Guerra 1984). [BCN]: x = 17 (Hsu et al 1994).
This paper was supported by a research project (Grant Number KNA 1-5, 11-2; Project title: “National project of the biological collection in the Korean peninsula”) of the Korea National Arboretum.
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