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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Identification of wood from Roman ships found in the docking site of Pisa (Italy)

GiannaChiaraCaprettibSimonaLazzeribLorenaSozzibStefanoPacidMartaMariotti LippicNicolaMacchionib
Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana, Italy
IVALSA-CNR, Firenze, Italy
Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Florence, Italy
Received 22 February 2016, Accepted 14 July 2016, Available online 23 August 2016.


Archaeological excavations in the docking site of Pisa (Central Italy) unearthed several shipwrecks which dated back to the Roman time, from the Republican to the Imperial periods. The recent identification of the woods used for building ships D, E, H, I and P, in addition to data of the previous analysis of ships A, B, C, F, L, revealed the utilization of 18 different taxa. Wood from oaks, both deciduous and evergreen, is mostly represented. 6 different softwood timbers, mostly from maritime and umbrella pine, were also largely used. Some of the hulls were entirely realized with hardwoods, others with softwoods or using a combination of softwoods for planking (mostly pines) and different hardwoods for the frame. The selection of timber indicates a skilful knowledge of the technological properties of the different woods and their suitable utilization in the Roman vessels. The use of woods largely available in the territory surrounding the Pisa docking site, as demonstrated by pollen analysis, does not necessary indicate the local production and/or provenance of the ships, given the spread of the identified wood taxa throughout the North Mediterranean area.
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