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Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Innovation: case study among wood, energy and medical firms


Johanna Madrigal‐Sánchez (Sustainable Biomaterials Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA)
Henry Quesada‐Pineda (Sustainable Biomaterials Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA)
Johanna Madrigal‐SánchezHenry Quesada‐Pineda, (2012) "Innovation: case study among wood, energy and medical firms", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 18 Issue: 6, pp.898-918,
The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 658 times since 2012
– The purpose of this paper is to develop a best innovation practices framework analyzing the innovation process in firms from the most innovative and the less innovative sectors.

– This case study uses an intense review of literature in the field of innovation practices inside organizations. The field work is based in direct observation of innovation practices intended to identify and select those practices that lead to successful implementation of the innovation process in the participating firms.

– The study recognizes the need of innovation as a tool for sustainable growth for firms. The article also describes the current process used by US government and organizations to measure innovation and presents a list of innovation best practices that have been recognized by each participating firm as key practices to develop innovation.

– The framework allows a combination of practices from different industries however it has been studied in specific firms and a larger exploratory/explanatory process should be conducted to generalize the findings.

– This paper offers practical insights about practices associated with the innovation process inside firms.

– The study aims to develop a best innovation practices framework to be used by the less innovative sectors in order to become successful in the innovation development. These best innovation practices are identified from the most innovative sectors in the country.
InnovationManufacturingMedical devicesEnergy generationWood productsManufacturing systemsUnited States of America
Case study
Emerald Group Publishing Limited

© Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2012
Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Johanna Madrigal‐SánchezHenry Quesada‐Pineda, (2012) "Innovation: case study among wood, energy and medical firms", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 18 Issue: 6, pp.898-918,
The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 658 times since 2012
InnovationManufacturingMedical devicesEnergy generationWood productsManufacturing systemsUnited States of America
Case study
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2012
Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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