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Friday, 5 May 2017
How to Use Garlic for Staph
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a serious staph infection. Most medications typically used for treating bacterial infections, do not kill the stubborn bacterial strains. Staph infections can cause wounds or boils on the skin, and the infected area may cause pain and inflammation until the infection clears up. You may need an alternative remedy for staph infections, such as a garlic compress. Dr. Ron Cutler, a microbiologist at the University of East London says that garlic's main ingredient, allicin, may be able to kill the staph within days.
Step 1
Keep your wound under wraps.Photo Credit bandage image by lefebvre_jonathan from
Apply a warm compress to the MRSA boil for 20 minutes. This helps open the skin’s pores and aids in the drainage of pus from the wound, according to Gary Null, author of “The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing."
Eat one raw garlic clove each day until your boil heals. James Balch and Mark Stengler, authors of "Prescription for Drug Alternatives: All-Natural Options for Better Health without the Side Effects," suggests that crushed or mashed garlic allows you to get the maximum antibacterial and antifungal benefits from garlic.
Step 3
Apply one clove of crushed garlic in the center of a 4-by-4 piece of cotton gauze. If you are not using a premade 4-by-4 piece of cotton gauze, available over the counter in drugstores -- then cut a piece of cotton gauze to a 4-by-4 square.
Step 4
Cover the 4-by-4 piece of cotton gauze with another 4-by-4 piece of cotton gauze. This will sandwich the garlic clove. Tape the gauze to the body with first aid tape.
Step 5
Remove the dressing every five hours and replace with a fresh dressing. Use a fresh piece of crushed, raw garlic for each new dressing.
Things You'll Need
Cotton gauze
First-aid tape
Heating pad (optional)
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